Podcast with Bill Robinson, PWC Academy

In this insightful podcast, Bill Robinson, Director of Leadership and HR Training at PwC, delves into the complexities and benefits of using experiential learning tools, particularly Actee Games, in leadership and organizational development.

Throughout the conversation, several key themes emerge, centered around the challenges of integrating game-based learning into corporate training and how Actee Games provide effective solutions.

Listen to the Podcast here.

Podcast Summary: Exploring Experiential Learning with Bill Robinson

In this insightful podcast, Bill Robinson, Director of Leadership and HR Training at PwC, delves into the complexities and benefits of using experiential learning tools, particularly Actee Games, in leadership and organizational development.

Throughout the conversation, several key themes emerge, centered around the challenges of integrating game-based learning into corporate training and how Actee Games provide effective solutions.


The Challenge of Balancing Realism and Abstraction in Game Design:

Bill Robinson highlights a common struggle in designing training games—striking the right balance between realism and abstraction.

He explains that when a game is too close to real-life scenarios, participants tend to focus on minor inaccuracies or familiar details, which can detract from the broader learning objectives. Instead of absorbing the generic lessons intended by the game, participants might get sidetracked by irrelevant details, leading to a less effective learning experience.

Solution with Actee Games:

Actee Games effectively navigate this challenge by creating scenarios that are relatable but not overly specific.

This design approach allows participants to engage with the underlying principles and behaviors without getting bogged down by details that might distract them from the learning goals.

By keeping the scenarios slightly removed from participants' day-to-day reality, Actee Games ensure that the focus remains on developing transferable skills and insights.


The Difficulty of Communicating the Value of Game-Based Learning:

Bill admits to struggling with explaining the concept and benefits of game-based learning to those unfamiliar with it. He emphasizes that many people, particularly in corporate settings, are skeptical about the effectiveness of games in professional development.

The challenge lies in convincing stakeholders that these games are not just about fun—they are powerful tools for driving business transformation and enhancing learning outcomes.

Solution with Actee Games:

Bill finds success in framing the value of Actee Games by focusing on outcomes.

He suggests starting conversations with potential clients by asking if they want their teams to be successful, experience business transformation, and improve learning.

Once they agree, he introduces Actee as the solution that can deliver these results.

By linking the game directly to desired outcomes, Bill successfully positions Actee Games as a serious, effective tool for professional development.


Measuring the Success of Game-Based Learning:

Another challenge Bill discusses is the difficulty of measuring the success of game-based learning, particularly in terms of ROI.

While traditional training methods often rely on observable engagement and satisfaction levels, these metrics alone don’t capture the deeper, long-term impact of the training.

Solution with Actee Games:

Actee Games address this issue by incorporating capstone projects that link back to the game-based learning experience.

These projects allow participants to apply what they’ve learned in a practical, real-world context, making it easier to observe and measure the impact of the training.

By connecting the dots between the game and tangible outcomes in the workplace, Actee Games help organizations better assess the effectiveness of their training initiatives.


Engaging Senior Leadership and Overcoming Resistance:

Bill shares a fascinating observation about the dynamic between senior leaders and younger, less experienced participants in Actee Games.

He notes that younger participants often outperform their senior counterparts in simulations because they are more willing to take risks and act with agility.

This insight underscores the challenge senior leaders face in staying open to new ideas and continuous learning, as experience can sometimes hinder their ability to adapt and innovate.

Solution with Actee Games:

Actee Games provide a safe environment where senior leaders can experience failure and success in a simulated setting. This experience can be eye-opening, helping them recognize the value of agility and the importance of staying receptive to new approaches. By seeing younger participants excel, senior leaders are reminded of the need to balance experience with a willingness to take risks and embrace change.



Throughout the podcast, Bill Robinson’s struggles with integrating and advocating for game-based learning in a corporate setting are clearly articulated.

However, through his experiences with Actee Games, he demonstrates how these challenges can be effectively addressed.

Actee Games offer a balanced, engaging, and measurable approach to experiential learning, making them a valuable tool for leadership development and organizational change.


By the end of the podcast, it’s evident that Actee Games not only enhance learning but also provide meaningful insights into team dynamics, leadership challenges, and the importance of balancing task focus with people management.

The conversation closes with an optimistic view of the future of game-based learning in corporate training, with Bill expressing his continued support for these innovative tools.