Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us
Going green is straightforward when your company adopts a clear, non-negotiable strategy. While we sometimes reflect on missed opportunities and discuss what could have been, we take immense pride in being proactive and playing a key role in driving the most significant change of our era.
Join Our Green Mission
The Sustainable way of becoming a caring company
At Actee we believe in the world changing for the better and we take our contribution seriously. It has been reflected in a lot of activities we have done at Actee (find the list below)
We believe we influence the world and the world influences us therefore a focus on the green changes make perfectly sense to us. Not flying makes sense, only eating vegetables make sense, no driving make sense to us.....What ever we can do to contribute to the green change will make sense to an Actee´vist.
The Green Actee Story
Below is a list of initiatives we make you are welcome to contact us for more info.
The Game for Green (G4G) project
Game for Green is dedicated to add to Actee a cutting-edge digital gaming platform. This platform enables municipalities, businesses, organizations, and consultants to develop and distribute games that educate and inform about sustainable practices using G4G findings to feed the #AI #game #development process.
Founded by Innovation fond denmark:https://innovationsfonden.dk/en
Collaboration partner are: Roskilde university, RUC, Provice, and Actee.
Find the list of contributers here: https://gameforgreen.dk/organisation/
Find the news here:
we are sharing our C02 consumption and add it to our clients allowing them to report on the use of there time on our platform find more info here
We have created green games to support you in your work to become more green.
we have been creating games to support our clients in the change, find some games here:
If you want to get inspiration on how to support by sinding games with impact follow this link.
You need to know how much you pollute:
When we pollute the world we want our clients to know they are part of that problem, therefore we have added the Actee Co2 consumption to each of the subscriptions depending on the time our clients have been using Actee find more here.
The green acceptance model:
We have engaged in the green agenda by developing the green acceptance model. This model can be incorporated as part of any game used at Actee. Read more here.
We removed the cans from the office and only use recircle sodas.
We eat green at the lunch table.
Every day our lunch contains primarily vegan food and fish.
We never fly….and try to avoid physical meetings.
The code of conduct.
Our way of working has been anchored in a “code of conduct” quiz allowing us to share and discuss internally and externally with partners and clients. You might want to test the quiz yourself.
Click here to play The Code of Conduct game.
The partner day:
We host a yearly partner day to connect and co-create our tool together with our users. The partner day is now held online since we don’t think we can ask people to fly to join—the same with speakers.
Gender equality
We have created games and quizzes to support the gender agenda.
If you think we can do more, we like to know.
Related tools

Every development has a life cycle. Actee Cycle makes it easy to mimic, track, understand and map out any project in game format.
The goal of the cycle is to get both your mission and your stakeholders across the finish line successfully with minimal resistance.

Barometer Games
Actee Barometer ensures an overview of your business goal process whilst signifying cultural insights. Attention to results is equally important as attention to the work climate.

Bubble Games
Every decision you make has a number of advantages and disadvantages. So how do you make the right decision? Via Bubbles, you can simulate the case and set up relevant assessment elements that will help you identify the right cause of action.