Anders is moving on from Actee to a brand new project

By Anders Thorup Schmidt

Anders is moving on from Actee to a brand new project

Dear Acteevist,

It is with both great sadness and excitement that I am announcing my resignation at Actee. I have decided to start my own one-man consultancy firm where I will provide learning solutions – of course including Actee services such as game building and facilitation. My time in Actee ends on the 31st of August but until then, I will be ready to support you - just as I have for the last five years.

My time in Actee has taught me a lot and I am proud to have been part of a company that has transformed and stayed innovative for all the years I have been here. Working for a small company can be very challenging and frustrating at times. However, having been part of all the many facets of this company has left me with experience that would be difficult to acquire anywhere else than in this type of company. I have had the honor of defining key aspects of the company immediately after graduating with my Master’s degree three years ago.


Since then, much has happened, and I have had the pleasure of having responsibility for:

  • An interdisciplinary research project (Socially Innovative Knowledge Work)
  • Many different customized Actee games based on a range of theoretical frameworks
  • Newsletters
  • The Actee FAQ
  • Organizing events and building custom games for the purpose
  • Developing cooperation between Actee and educational institutions
  • Managing content on both the Actee homepage and our game platform
  • Innovating Actee game- and tool concepts to make them both fun and user friendly
  • Supporting the Acteevists who are working hard to reshape organizations through gamification


I have experienced a workplace that let me work creatively and create an impact in large organizations. On several occasions, I have been assigned a task that I did not think I was ready for. However, my time in Actee has taught me that anything can be done with enough effort and innovative thinking.

To those of you that I have helped build games, prepare facilitation, and turn an idea into action, I hope you have enjoyed the process, and who knows – we might end up working together again sometime.

I would like to thank Leif Sørensen and the rest of the Actee team for an amazing journey. The skills and experience I have acquired over the last few years are invaluable and I am grateful for the opportunities I now have. I would also like to welcome my replacement in the company – Gabriel Giraldo. I hope your time in Actee will be just as great as mine was.


All the best

Anders Thorup Schmidt

Newfound- and excited business owner

Thorup Schmidt Consulting (

Check out my new website and services here