A New Actee Game Has Come To Port!
At Actee, we are always on the lookout for new and exciting theoretical viewpoints on change management, leadership and communication. This is the reason why we love it when our partners experiment with making their own games as some of their specific knowledge is transferred into our universe.
Recently, the Danish international shipping and logistics company DFDS (Det Forenede Dampskibs-Selskab) made their own game that was played by over 200 of their most talented leaders. Needless to say, the production of this game was not a simple task as the two representatives from DFDS had to incorporate an entirely new theoretical viewpoint into the Actee universe. The process has resulted in a game that is focused on agile methods represented by the Heart of Agile model and a very complex and fun game that will challenge you as a player. The kind people at DFDS have allowed everyone on Actee.com to experience this great new game and for that reason – you are now able to try it out for free or to put it in one of your sessions.
So, if you want to be acquainted with agile methods or simply expand your knowledge on this topic – then you should head right over to the ActeeChange concept and try this awesome new game!
Play it here!