The Learning Edge - Gamification And L&D


At Actee we have started our very own Podcast channel! 

We address essential topics within the L&D industry with guests who have profound knowledge of the subject. 

The aim is to inspire on important and current topics to keep pushing crucial changes forward.

The Way We Work

The way it works is that every last Tuesday of the month, from 8:30 - 9:00, we choose a subject and invite a guest to discuss it with us for 30 minutes. You can join in for free for the live discussion via LinkedIn, where you will be able to ask questions and test gamification tools. 

Afterwards, the podcast will be uploaded to Spotify and Apple Podcasts, where you can hear the discussion whenever you have 30 minutes to spare. 

We hope this will generate insights into the areas we touch upon and inspire you!


You can find our Spotify channel here.


You can find the Apple Podcast channel here.


And you can stay updated on when the podcasts are up, or when new events are open for sign-ups here