The New Point System for all games
We want to simplify our point calculation to be easy to understand and explain. Common for all games with the new system is that points should only be calculated based on what the player does. This means that a movement in between chapters or simply making an options will not by it self count towards the points that the player accumulates. Points will purely be calculated on the result of an option made in the game. We love the simplicity of the point system and hope you will love the new system too.
We want a point system that is extremely simple and one that players can understand without reading up on them first. For that reason, we no longer want to calculate points based on the last 5 choices made. Instead, the new system will accumulate points all throughout the game and present the players with an overview of how many points the last choice gave and how many points they have from all of their choices.
It's short - The new point system means you will only get points when you create a change in the game.
We are going to work with a system where movement in a positive direction (whether that is stakeholder movement on the circle board, changes to the climate barometer board, or changes to the bullets in the bobble board) will result in points. This means that whenever a player moves the game in a positive direction, they will get 1 point per movement. Easy to understand when you facilitate gameplay with groups, easy to grasp if a player is playing Actee as a self-learning activity.
The Different Game Boards
There will be 6 factors that can increase or reduce the number of points the players get:
1. Stakeholder movement forward (plus points)
2. Stakeholder movement backward (minus points)
3. Stakeholder moving in towards the middle on the board and closer to the boat (plus points)
4. Stakeholder moving out from the middle on the board and away from the boat (minus points)
5. Boat movement forward (plus points)
6. Boat movement backward (minus points)
Whenever a stakeholder moves one step forward, the player will be awarded 1 point per step.
If a stakeholder moves backward, this will result in -1 point deduced per step.
This means that if an option creates a situation where two stakeholders move two fields forwards and another stakeholder increases their resistance by one, the point calculation becomes 2+2-1=3.
In this barometer game concept, there will be 8 factors that can give the player points:
Barometer 1
Barometer 2
Barometer 3
Barometer 4
Barometer 5
Barometer 6
Goal 1
Goal 2
As with the Cycle games, an increase or reduction in either of these elements will result in 1 point plus or minus depending on the direction.
The climate barometers each go from -6 to +6 and players will be able to get points from improving on either of these barometers.
The goals each range from 0% to 100% and each time a goal is increasing by 10%, it will award 1 point.
If a player were to move three climate barometers from -3 to -2, they will get 3 points.
If they also move goal 1 by 10% and goal 2 by 20%, the player will get 3 points from results
= a total of 6 points for that choice.
Note that the individual stakeholder barometer count towards the points as the sum presented on the game board is depending on the sum of each stakeholder barometer's value.
NB: The calculation in this concept will be much like the calculation in the barometer games.
In this concept, there will be 10 factors that can give the player points:
Bubble 1
Bubble 2
Bubble 3
Bubble 4
Bubble 5
Bubble 6
Bubble 7
Bubble 8
Goal 1
Goal 2
As with the circle and barometer games, an increase or reduction in either of these elements will result in 1 point plus or minus depending on the direction.
The bobbles each go from 0 to 7 and players will be able to get points from improving on either of these bobbles.
The goals each range from 0% to 100% and each time a goal is increasing by 10%, it will award 1 point.
If a player were to move two styles from 2 to 4, they will get 4 points.
If they also move goal 1 by 10% and goal 2 by 20%, the player will get 3 points
= a total of 7 points for that choice.
Naturally, they will get minus points for each step reduced.
If an option would result in a reduction of a bobble that is already at 0, the player will stay at 0 points for that bobble.
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