Virtual Dynamics
Learn with simulation games – just like L'ORÉAL
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L’Oreal is a global organization who believe in continually innovating their products and services to ensure beauty that moves the world. L’Oreal has been searching for new interactive and engaging learning technologies the organization can use to create, deliver and analyze their learning and developments.
The first step towards this goal, L’Oreal teamed up with the Danish consultancy - Implement Consulting Group with the guidance of consultant Michael Peter Lee.
L’Oreal has worked 100% online with the Actee simulation games in China and Spain and will continue the great work using games all over the world.
Lola Ortuño who is holding the title “Learning and Transformation Director”, and Candela Kartun – who is the “HR Learning and Transformation Manager”, both from the Spain office have the following experience with the Actee change management games and tools.
Good Dynamics Through Virtual Format
L’Oreal’s experience of facilitating Actee change sessions have been very positive. The tools have been used in multiple languages with a variety of groups size.
“We had two different types of groups, one involved an intact team going through a real-life change process, and the other group didn’t have a real need. We identified the process to be much more relevant and impactful on those teams going through the change”(LolaOrtuñoand CandelaKartun)
Did you experience the tool as user friendly and engaging?
“The tool is user friendly and it creates a good dynamic through virtual format.” (Lola Ortuño and Candela Kartun)
If you consider starting to use the Actee platform here is a tip from L’Oreal:
“To avoid frustrations, it is important to have a “team lead” who connects to the platform in advance and get used to its functionalities and rules of the game. It is also advisable to send all participantsActee’scase study before the session to ensure reading.” (LolaOrtuñoand CandelaKartun)
Reliable & Fun Simulation Of Change
Using new learning technologies in personal development work is often connected with uncertainty since the game dynamic involves the participant's technology level, the internal IT setup and local access to the internet. But the experience for the participants is always satisfying. Here is what L’Oreal experienced.
“Players going through a change process felt the topic and gamification very relevant. Some feedback states that the prework can be a bit too long, and timings for each chapter too short. All in all, the dynamics reflect change management processes in a very reliable way. The gamification greatly contributes to the comprehension of key concepts, and it is fun!” (Lola Ortuño and Candela Kartun)
Will You Advise Others To Use Tools Like Actee?
L’Oeal was asked if they would recommend other companies to use Actee to engage and intensify the learning outcome.
“Yes, we would!” (Lola Ortuño and Candela Kartun)
At Actee we are super proud that companies like Implement and L’Oreal enjoys the value from Actee and the way we work with learning.