Personal profiles

Have you played one of our simulation games? If so, you’ve already experienced how every decision you make shapes the outcome and reveals something unique about your approach.

Our Personal Profiles feature offers more than just a summary—it provides you with deep insights into how you handle challenges, highlighting your strengths and areas for growth. With our advanced data tool, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your decision-making patterns, helping you enhance your skills, refine your strategies, and get the most out of every game experience.

The Data Module

Personal Profiles

Every time you play a game simulation from one of our learning concepts, data is collected to consolidate your personal profile.

The data allows you to look into what your choices say about your theoretical approach. The data might reveal that in 8 out of 10 options you prefer one a theoretical standpoint over another. This prevails that your focus on said theory is strong, but it is also a strong indicator that other areas need your focus. 

As a facilitator, you can view cohort data and benchmark statistics, providing valuable insights to guide your next activities. This feature transforms the tool into a powerful strategic asset for L&D, helping you tailor learning experiences for maximum impact.


Top Scores

In every game simulation you play, each choice gives a certain amount of points, and at the end of the game, you receive your final score. You can choose to make this score public for other platform users to see, and you can compare your own score to others, who have also played the same game.

This data feature can also be used by consultants. If you teach a workshop with several groups, you can use the function to see which group has the highest score and this can facilitate different discussions.

It is also possible to see a list of the choices most often taken and most seldom taken based on all the users, who have played a specific game scenario.



Comparison Between Industries

Since 2010 we have been collecting data from our game simulations and have gathered millions of game choices, which have created a solid foundation for comparison – for example between different industries.

The data is anonymous but are sorted by industry. This means that you can choose an industry you are part of or think would be interesting to compare your own organization to, and then look into the similarities and differences in theoretical approaches.

For example, you will be able to see the distribution in percentage between management and leadership choice. The management choices drive the change, while the leadership choices drive your stakeholders – so this gives you insights into how you can steer your change process better. This feature is also available at a personal profile level.

How It Works

If You Have A Company Subscription 

You will get valuable access to session data that potentially will add value to your strategic data-driven Learning & Development decisions. You will be able to measure sessions against another session of your company and even measure those specific data sets against your own industry or other industries you find related.

This will give you a direction in terms of your focus for your next learning interventions or just raise a flag, for example, if a specific session (from a department of your company) deviate from the rest. If you find a correlation between the leadership profiles and the business results, this might be something you would like to look into.  

You will also be able to see collective leadership profiles and decision profiles enabling a dialogue regarding specific pros and cons within a specific theoretic framework. This can lead to a decision on how to make a shift towards a more shared leadership value set within your company.


For Consultancies

For consultants, it can be useful to use all of the above-mentioned features to facilitate discussions in workshops or to use as a post-element as part of a learning process, where the participants get to look into their choices and scores and maybe compare with each other. The consultant might also compare different sessions in order to see how different departments, for example, make choices and draws on different theoretical approaches.

See How You Can Use The Data Module