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Join the Actee'vist network, and become sparring, collaborating and co-creating partner!
Join the Actee'vist network, and become sparring, collaborating and co-creating partner!
45 years old. Certified Systemic & Agile Coach, with over 15 years of experience in Facilitating, Tr…
Multiplayer Facilitator
From our offices in Washington, DC, and Brussels we work with our clients to grow world-class l…
Traditional facilitator On-site simulation facilitator Leadership Team building Certified coachHelp you to manage change in your organization.
Experienced certified Coach (PCC) and Leadership Trainer with a demonstrated history of working in t…
Traditional Facilitator On-site Simulation Facilitator Certified CoachFor nearly 20 years I have been working with recruitment and change management. As an experienced Ac…
Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer Facilitator Experienced GameBuilder ChangeLive User ChangeMeter UserI am a management consultant and PhD in linguistics (Russian). I hold a position as business develop…
Traditional FacilitatorKonsulent innenfor organisasjonsutvikling og lederutvikling
Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer Facilitator
Fort- und Weiterbildung, Beratung, Coaching, Supervision und Training
Telenor Group is a leading telecommunications company across the Nordics and Asia with 158 mill…
!DOCTYPE>Dustin is a devoted entrepreneurial leader balancing on the continuum of academia and practicum. Th…
Traditional Facilitator
Our purpose is to Inspire Leadership & Change. The name was made because we want to create …
!DOCTYPE> Leadership Development Change Management Change Enabler Executive Team DevelopmentFree lance consultant with 30 years of experience in running change processes and a general focus on…
Traditional Facilitator
Ringerike is a municipality in the traditional and electoral district Buskerud in Viken county,…
Selv om organisasjonsutvikling kan fortone seg på mange vis, har de som lykkes noe til felles: Leder…
Traditional FacilitatorI am now a freelancer consultant with focus on leadership training and coaching. With 30 years' expe…
Multiplayer FacilitatorReach out - I will love to assist you. I am an experienced Actee'vist and have facilitated sessions …
Multiplayer facilitator Traditional facilitator Experienced Gamebuilder ChangeLive user StyleTrade UserTopTeamWerk coacht organisaties, teams en leidinggevenden om hun (verander)doelstellingen te behalen…
Traditional Facilitation Multiplayer FacilitationSenior Faculty at the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)
ChangeGroup gør Danmark konkurrencedygtig ved at løse virksomheder og institutioners udfordringer me…
Traditional FacilitatorsSeit 2012 schätzen mich meine Kunden als Management-Berater aus der St. Gallener Management-Schule v…
Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer Facilitator ChangeMeter User Experienced GameBuilderBjarke is a certified consultant in Denmark.
Traditional FacilitatorImplement Consulting Group in Sweden have many years of experience with using ActeeChange (Formerly …
Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer Facilitation"If it doesn't challenge you - it won't change you!" Bei Performance up - ein Unternehmen für Coachi…
Traditional FacilitatorExperienced management consultant in the fields of process - project & change management.
Multiplayer FacilitatorOver 25 years of experience in all areas of project and change management. Certified in classical an…
Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer FacilitatorI am a business psychologist, facilitator and team coach with in-company functional leadership exper…
Traditional FacilitatorGenuine passion for developing people and organisations to achive high sustainable business performa…
Traditional FacilitatorTrainer and Coach from Germany living in Indonesia that supports individuals, teams and companies th…
Multiplayer FacilitatorSecond in Poland ICF accreditation - ACC in 2006, over 2000 hours of coaching experience both in Pol…
StyleTrade User ChangeMeter User ChangeLive User Experienced GameBuilder Multiplayer Facilitator Traditional FacilitatorEmilie Anderberg is part of Implement’s Change Communications team. She has six years of experience …
Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer Facilitator
KTH Executive School addresses global industrial companies and their business ecosystems. We su…
Dr. Nea K-Williams is an innovation management consultant, researcher, and founder of inno.c.t.…
I help organizations execute strategies successfully, build trust and support among key stakeho…
My motto is to Inspire Leadership and Change. A psychologist by education, but have been in exe…
Leadership Development Change Management Change Enabler Executive Team Development Traditional FacilitatorBettina Kahlau - Executive Consulting has deep experience and expertise in leadership and change. H…
PdiVizija d.o.o. was established in 2004. We are an experienced team, which members seasoned th…
I am a full time trainer in change and project management. Open-minded and friendly, I regard traini…
Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer Facilitator
Empowering & Learning Experiences on playfulness!
Sofie is our trusted partner in Denmark.
Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer Facilitator Experienced GameBuilder ChangeLive User ChangeMeter User Styletrade UserWe guide organisations towards successful project & change management.
To this end we train peop…
Traditional facilitation Multiplayer facilitation GameBuilder Online workshops Customise the SimulationI have worked within management consulting since 2003 focusing on project - and change management in…
Multiplayer Facilitator
Coaching & Consulting
Notre vision repose sur l’idée que toutes les entreprises peuvent att…
!DOCTYPE>Leiderschap is het goede voorbeeld geven en teams in staat stellen om hun doelen te bereiken. Om hen…
SiriusUnity ejes og ledes af Steen Broen Møller, som nærmest siden tidernes morgen har haft samarbej…
Traditional Facilitator Outdoor trainer Change Coaching Teamwork Lencioni trainer DISC TrainerImplement Consulting Group in Norway is a proud Alliance Partner. The ActeeChange division is lead b…
Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer Facilitation
Gamle Oslo er en bydel i utvikling. Som følge av utbygging på områdene Ensjø, Kværnerbyen og Bi…
Louise is a certified consultant in Denmark.
Traditional FacilitatorI draw my experiences on different perspectives of Change, guided by the question, “how can we suppo…
Traditional Facilitator
Die DAK-Gesundheit gehört zu Deutschlands größten Krankenkassen: 5,5 Millionen Menschen schenke…
Management Consultant at Implement with 10+ years experience leading change and leadership developme…
Multiplayer FacilitatorEmpowering innovators and entrepreneurs to find the mentors and coaches to help them change the worl…
Over 25 years of experience in all areas of project and change management. Certified in classical an…
Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer FacilitatorRådgiver i Agenda Kaupang
Multiplayer Facilitator Traditional Facilitator
Daniela is a strategic partner in Germany in our ActeeChange concept.
Here is a snippet about h…
!DOCTYPE> Traditional FacilitationLene is a certified consultant in Denmark.
Traditional FacilitatorPartners4 supports individual and organisations in facilitating meaningful change and leadership dev…
Traditional FacilitationIch zeige Ihnen Schritt für Schritt, wie Sie als Führungskraft oder Unternehmer:in, Ihre Projekte sc…
Traditional Facilitator TeamChallenge FacilitatorHi, I am a consultant psychologist, author and executive Partner of Alchemy worldwide. I am also an…
Traditional Facilitator
Matthias Schirmacher has over a decade of experience as an IT Consultant and Project Manager, e…
Experienced independent consultant with a strong industrial background, I design and deliver Ch…
GameBuilder Actee Facilitator Multiplayer Facilitation Traditional Facilitation
World Health organization (WHO) reported that by 2020 stress would be main cause of diseases. S…
We want to drive real-world change through harnessing human and technology potential; help people le…
Louise is a certified consultant in Denmark.
Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer Facilitator Experienced GameBuilder ChangeLive User ChangeMeter User Styletrade UserClients value Ira for his ability to help people to ‘think and do differently’. He brings a systemic…
Traditional Facilitation Multiplayer FacilitationPeter is a Change Management Global Thought Leader, Expert, International Corporate Conference Speak…
Traditional FacilitatorHead of Insurance Transformation Tryg.
Traditional FacilitatorApplying Human Science to Leadership Transformation. Facilitating leaders translate competency maste…
Multiplayer FacilitatorI have trained leaders for more than 22 years in different organisation. Based on my masters degree…
Traditional FacilitatorConsultant
Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer Facilitator ChangeLive User ChangeMeter UserBut our approach is distinct. We work with you to discover your priorities …
Certification ProviderUwe Waeger is Consultant & Trainer for Soft Skills, Leadership and Change Management. He has an exte…
Traditional Facilitator ChangeLive User ChangeMeter User Multiplayer Facilitator20 years Change manager experience from local and global organizations, within public and private se…
Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer Facilitator ChangeLive User ChangeMeter UserWith nearly 20 years of experience in Change Management I can make the ActeeChange journey even more…
Traditional Facilitator ChangeLive User
Gordon Crossings is a training firm specialized in Human skills. We deliver programs in Leaders…
Gunther Kracke has been guiding companies through change processes since 2005. Initially as a p…
Phi Management Group is a Management Consulting Company specializing in assessing organizationa…
Helping Global Teams & Leaders produce better Results Building Models of Excellence Designing and de…
Traditional Facilitator
Das im Jahr 1932 gegründete Unternehmen Knauf aus dem fränkischen Iphofen ist einer der global …
!DOCTYPE>Senior consultant
ROCKWOOL's products help people across the globe to create a more sustainable footprint and com…
Ich zeige Ihnen Schritt für Schritt, wie Sie als Führungskraft oder Unternehmer:in, Ihre Projekte sc…
Traditional Facilitation Multiplayer FacilitationFree Learning Test On Dev.
Facilitator in change & business development. Active as facilitator in business Schools and as chair…
Traditional FacilitatorI work as a Change Manager.
USCIS is the government agency that oversees lawful immigration to the United States.
Selma is a management consultant at Implement Consulting Group. She has a background within Human Re…
Professional Certified Coach, Corporate Trainer & Facilitator with over 20 years of experience at al…
Multiplayer FacilitatorManagement Consultant within HR, Organisation & The Future of Work at Implement Consulting Group.
Traditional FacilitatorHanken & SSE Executive Education is on a mission to support leaders and organisations to reach t…
Traditional FacilitatorExecutive coach. Leadership development. Change Manager Passionate about organizational learning and…
Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer Facilitator
ActitudPro is a training and consultancy provider founded in Barcelona and with offices in Madr…
!DOCTYPE> Traditional FacilitationCertified Consultant
Individual coaching and tailor-made training that move development and change processes in a st…
Coaching Training Leadership DevelopmentSenior Leadership Solutions Architect at Center for Creative Leadership (APAC)
Konsulenthus som hjælper virksomheder med stress og god ledelse
Oliver Mann of Avenir Consult is one of our strategic partners in Germany. He is based in the M…
!DOCTYPE> Traditional Facilitation Multiplayer Facilitation GameBuilderConsultant with expertise within leadership development and change
Multiplayer Facilitator Traditional FacilitatorKAR+CO er en partnerejet dansk konsulent-virksomhed, som tror på, at god ledelse er den vigtigste hj…
Traditional Facilitator
Thomas Frühwein is a trusted Actee partner in Germany. He regularly runs certification courses.
… Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer Facilitator ChangeLive User StyleTrade User Offering certification coursesHappy L&D nerd with passion for people and development
Traditional FacilitatorVi har siden 2002 været en del af den danske konsulentbranche, hvor vi i tæt samspil med vores kunde…
Traditional FacilitatorWorking as a leadership development manager in Hempel
Traditional Facilitator
Training, Consulting, Organisational Change Great Culture to Work
Aalborg University (AAU) is located in Denmark in Scandinavia. As a student at AAU you acquire …
I’m driven by my passion for optimising people leadership capabilities and helping leaders buil…
Supports you in your digital transformation strategies, managing benefits, portfolio- and change man…
Traditional FacilitatorFacilitator for Change & Culture
International Leadership Development Expert supporting executives working in highly dynamic environm…
Multiplayer FacilitatorNina Möller, Implement Consulting Group
Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer FacilitatorBlumenthal & Co. provides organizational solutions to business challenges, enabling sustainable perf…
Multiplayer Facilitator Traditional FacilitatorOb Überholspur oder scharfe Kurve, mit NovaChange erlangen Sie die richtige Veränderungspower und de…
Traditional Facilitator StyleTrade User ChangeMeter User ChangeLive User
At PwC, we build tailored people and organisation solutions to help our clients achieve their s…
!DOCTYPE> Traditional Facilitation Multiplayer Facilitation GameBuilder
Mit Fachkompetenz, Empathie und Kreativität haben wir deine Ziele im Blick und begleiten dich a…
Experienced consultant working in the field of management consulting. Skilled in Leadership Dev…
Management ConsultingWith a Bachelor degree in Business Psychology and Administration and a Masters degree in Digital Inn…
Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer FacilitatorI have implemented changes in public activities both as CEO and change agent. My experience is based…
Multiplayer Facilitator ChangeLive User StyleTrade User Traditional FacilitatorBright People Pty Ltd (Bright People) is a people and organisation practice, partnering with organis…
Certification Provider
Unterschiedliche Regionen, Lebensstile und Glaubenstraditionen finden in der Evangelischen Kirc…
Maiken is a certified consultant in Denmark.
Traditional FacilitatorStine is a certified consultant in Denmark.
Traditional FacilitatorSonja Heinz: Consultant, Trainerin und Coach, Personalentwicklung, Leadership, Entwicklung von Führ…
Multiplayer FacilitatorCristiana Manara has been working for than 20 years in Human Capital Consultancy, 14 years of which…
Traditional Facilitator coach trainer change mngmnt consultantI have been working at Actee and enabled others to facilitate the concepts.
Traditional Facilitator ChangeLive User ChangeMeter User StyleTrade UserHivemind is designed to help aspiring experts develop their thinking, whilst helping them to product…
Vibeke is a certified consultant in Denmark.
Traditional FacilitatorTrainer/consultant/facilitator. The main topics are leadership (development), team building/developm…
Change Management Team Building Organizational Culture Development Leadership Multiplayer Facilitator Traditional FacilitatorBrand Communications Agency for Transition and Changemanagement
Change Manager in Norlys - Project Management Excellence Center. Have been working as consultant for…
Traditional FacilitatorLEADERS - are who we are! LEADERS is the Consultancy devoted to Leadership in general and Change Lea…
Traditional Facilitator
Frank Franke is a trusted Actee partner in Germany. He regularly runs certification courses.
Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer Facilitator ChangeLive User StyleTrade User Offering certification coursesAs a freelance, I work for Implement Consulting Group and deliver workshop on chnage based on Actee…
Traditional FacilitatorTrusted and long-time certified partner in The Netherlands. Dirk Jan is an experienced trainer/consu…
Traditional Facilitator Experienced GameBuilder Enabler unforgettable learning experiences Change Leadership development Game-based learning ActeeChange 250+ played games ChangeLive user ActeeLeadership userSebastian Quirmbach is a seasoned leadership coach and trainer. He is fascinated by the complexities…
Traditional FacilitatorJeg har arbejdet med forandringsledelse i flere forskellige roller. Som leder, som leder af ledere o…
Multiplayer facilitator Traditional facilitator
The speed and intensity of change impulses is constantly increasing. We believe that change man…
!DOCTYPE>"We Grow Business & People"
We create development in companies, managers and their employees. T…
Traditional FacilitatorSinds 1999 beantwoordt Smart HRD vragen van organisaties, teams en medewerkers die veranderen of wil…
Traditional Facilitation Multiplayer Facilitation Guide organizations through change processesSkilled project manager and facilitator passionate about developing people and organisations to ensu…
Traditional FacilitatorSummit Consulting is among the leading Danish consultancies, and we develop managements and leaders …
Traditional FacilitatorHUMAN UNIVERZ has workshops and programs for all key players involved in a change process – here are…
Traditional Facilitation Multiplayer Facilitation GameBuilder Use Certification ProviderMina Soli is a change consultant working with Agenda Kaupang in Norway
Traditional Facilitator
We deliver financial services in accounting and payroll and HR. We have offices in seven countr…
!DOCTYPE>Human Resources, Organizational Development and Change Management Consultant with wide experience in…
Multiplayer FacilitatorKatrine Kent is our trusted partner in Denmark.
Traditional Facilitator StyleTrade UserConsultant Benelux and Germany Coach, management consultant, day chairman, facilitator and trainer.…
Multiplayer Facilitator Traditional Facilitator
I support organisations as an organisational and team developer.
Multiplayer FacilitatorMark runs a variety of on-line and off-line workshop tailored to client’s needs. His ares of focus…
Change Management Impactful Communication Traditional Facilitator Multiplayer Facilitator Leadership Development
Traction Strategy is a responsive consulting company with a team of senior professionals design…
SiriusUnity er en konsulentvirksomhed med speciale i udvikling af lederkompetencer og velfunger…
We believe in the virtue of exposure and personal experience. We share a fate of having a balan…
With over 110 years combined experience and expertise, Tack TMI are the global learning and dev…
GameBuilder Actee Facilitator Multiplayer Facilitation Traditional FacilitationProcess Consultant with 15+ years of exeperience in facilitating organizational processes.
Multiplayer Facilitator Traditional FacilitatorLeadership Coach & Trainer Communication - Change - Team - Executive Presence
Traditional FacilitatorSenior Business Consultant in Leadership and Change Management based in Berlin
Traditional Facilitator
Der starke Veränderungsdruck im Gesundheitsmarkt fordert Management, Führungskräfte und Mitarbe…
Andel investerer langsigtet i vedvarende energiløsninger. Uanset om du bor tæt på marker, nær v…
!DOCTYPE>Ian Sturgess is one of our most trusted and tested certified consultants and he works on behalf of m…
Multiplayer Facilitation Program Runner Internal Certification ProviderCertified Professional Leadership and Team Coach (CPCC, PCC, ORSC).
"Change is the only constant in life” and I work with change. Both the business/process-like, but al…
Traditional FacilitatorAnders Thorup Schmidt:
As a former employee in Actee, I have in-depth knowledge of both building- an…
Traditional Facilitation Multiplayer Facilitation Game Building Change Enabler Learning Journeys e-Learning Specialist
Avans is an education and knowledge institution.
The basic principle of Avans University of App…
Jeg arbejder som Management Consultant i Implements LEAD-team (Leadership, Energy,Assessment & D…
Traditional FacilitatorMember of Vilniaus duona (part of Lantmannen Unibake) team.
Traditional Facilitatortesttestetteste
Potentialehuset offers certifications in the ActeeCommunication concept. They have used and helped d…
Certification Provider
Experienced Actee Change facilitator with several years of experience in leading cultural and c…
!DOCTYPE> Traditional facilitator Multiple Facilitator ChangeMeter User Change Management HR Transformation AgilityVores teoretiske bagage og indsigt danner et solidt fundament for vores måde at tænke og arbejde på,…
Traditional Facilitators
Intenz is a Nordic consultancy within organizational development.
With our philosophy we wish t…
Traditional Facilitation Multiplayer Facilitation GameBuilder
Sandnes municipality is a vast municipality with both mountains and fjords.
Empatrust unterstützt, berät und begleitet inhabergeführte Unternehmen und Familienbetriebe dab…
!DOCTYPE>Ich unterstütze Sie dabei, das Verhalten von Menschen verstehen, das Mindset "grow" und neue Handlun…
Multiplayer Facilitator Traditional FacilitatorExperienced +25 years of running transformations and change project in global surroundings. Leading …
Multiplayer Facilitator Traditional Facilitator ChangeLive UserPersonalentwickler mit Leidenschaft, Leadership Trainer & systemischer Coach, Change Begleiter. Mehr…
Multiplayer FacilitatorManagement consultant in Implement Consulting Group specialized in behavioural design and behavioura…
Consulting, Coaching, Training, Moderation Experience in Leadership, Development, Change&Transformat…
Oculus Concept provides clarity, structure, and progress in professional contexts.
From the foun…
Christian is a certified consultant in Denmark.
Traditional Facilitator
Pedagogisk- psykologisk tjeneste
Ian Sturgess:
As a Director of my own consultancy company, I have built on my experience as a manager…
In times of change, leadership of virtual teams and intercultural cooperation I will support you wit…
Multiplayer Facilitator
SENIOR consultant in leadership - Languages: French and English
LinkedIn Catherine &